In the middle of Los Andes on the eastern side is located Bogota, the capital city of Colombia. It extends at an altitude of 2600 meters above sea level (8530 ft).
Come, and visit us!!. ImagineyourBogota provides excellent tours with few people, a lot of time to enjoy, and great destinations within Bogotá and near the city. If you want more information visit
- The capital city has a population of 7.5 Million.
- It is located in a big valley called “Sabana de Bogotá” surrounded by mountains.
- We do not have seasons. The climate is between 8 to 20 C all year (46.4 F to 68 F).
- The sunny season is from December to February and June to September.
- The rainy season is from October to November and March to May.
- The city is the welcoming entrance to Colombia if you come by plane.
- Bogotá has museums, parks, beautiful architecture. The city has modern and old neighborhoods, business and bohemian districts, restaurants, squares, fruit markets, discos.
- The best time to come is not on peak season. In Colombia is at holly week (sometimes March or April, depends on the year). Mid-June to Mid-July, end of December and beginning of January.
- Bogotá has flights to all big cities of North, Central, and South America, Europe, and Asia.
- Colombian money is peso. Today 1 USD = 3.891 COP. The average cost for lunch with beverages is 20.000 COP = 5.2 USD.
- Spanish is the native language. People who are in contact with travelers can speak English. Other languages as French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin are not frequently speaking but you can find special guidance. The most important thing is that Colombians are very friendly, and you can talk with us using creative ways of communication.
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